We welcome all geotech and mining engineers to join MIDAS Geotech - Webinar Series on Geotechnical Applications in Mining Engineering.
MIDAS GTS NX is a 3D Finite Element Software that lets you replicate your mine layout conveniently to assess the current stress situation and rock plasticity status. User can also import their CAD drawings and start right away with powerful meshing tools to analyze the sections and generate reports on their current state. This webinar will focus on Open Pits, Dumps & Stockpiles, Shaft & Main level, Underground mining and the usefullness of midas GTS NX for such applications.
Date | Topic |
24th November | Open Pit Slope Stability (Pit Slope | Dumps | Stockpiles) |
01st December | FEM Analysis of Tailings Dam |
08th December | Underground Haulage Levels Stability |
13th November | Ore Pass Stability & Stope Backfilling |
Kindly register using the following link: https://hubs.ly/Q01rJPm20